Alibertia edulis

Alibertia edulis

Madroño, trompito


English Audio

Audio en Español

Plant Story

This small tree or shrub is a member of the coffee family. It is relatively common in the humid and dry lowland forests of Costa Rica. The species is distributed from Mexico to Brazil. Its eye-catching flowers are pollinated by hummingbirds and insects. The wood is used in the manufacture of the handles of tools. The ripe fruits are edible and the pulp has a subtle pleasant flavor.

Historia de la planta

Este pequeño árbol o arbusto, familia del café (Coffea arabica), es relativamente común en las tierras bajas de Costa Rica, tanto en bosque húmedo como seco y se conoce desde México hasta Brasil. Sus flores son blancas, vistosas y son polinizadas por colibríes e insectos. La madera es empleada en la fabricación de tajonas y mangos de herramientas. Los frutos maduros son comestibles y la pulpa es de sabor agradable, pero es escasa.

Plant details

Plant Information

Botanic Name:

Alibertia edulis

Common name(s):

Madroño, Madroño, trompito




Flowering Months:

January, February, March, April, May, Jun, July, August, September, October, November, December

Fruiting Months:

January, February, March, April, May, Jun, July, August, September, October, November, December


IUCN category:

Least concern / Menor preocupación (LC)


Plant Locations


Plant details


English Audio

Audio en Español

Story / Historia

Plant Story

This small tree or shrub is a member of the coffee family. It is relatively common in the humid and dry lowland forests of Costa Rica. The species is distributed from Mexico to Brazil. Its eye-catching flowers are pollinated by hummingbirds and insects. The wood is used in the manufacture of the handles of tools. The ripe fruits are edible and the pulp has a subtle pleasant flavor.

Historia de la planta

Este pequeño árbol o arbusto, familia del café (Coffea arabica), es relativamente común en las tierras bajas de Costa Rica, tanto en bosque húmedo como seco y se conoce desde México hasta Brasil. Sus flores son blancas, vistosas y son polinizadas por colibríes e insectos. La madera es empleada en la fabricación de tajonas y mangos de herramientas. Los frutos maduros son comestibles y la pulpa es de sabor agradable, pero es escasa.

Plant Information

Botanic Name

Alibertia edulis

Common name(s)

Madroño, trompito




Flowering Months

January, February, March, April, May, Jun, July, August, September, October, November, December

Fruiting Monts

January, February, March, April, May, Jun, July, August, September, October, November, December


IUCN category

Least concern / Menor preocupación (LC)


Interesting Links

Plant Images

Plant Locations

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