Genipa americana

Genipa americana

Guaitil, Guaitil blanco, Jagua, Tabacón, Tapaculo


English Audio

Audio en Español

Plant Story

This tree varies in size, growing anywhere from 5 to 35 meters. It is commonly found in altered ecosystems including secondary forests and roadsides, and it prefers seasonal climates. The species is distributed from Mexico to northern Argentina and the Carribean; in Costa Rica it grows commonly throughout  both the Atlantic and Pacific slopes. Its vibrant flowers are yellow and aromatic, and have been used commercially to make fragrances. Its mid-sized fruits are consumed by animals and are well known for their various commercial uses, ranging from a source of food to a component of dark blue dye, used by aboriginal groups.


Historia de la planta

El Genipa americana es un árbol variable en tamaño, creciendo desde 5 a 35 metros de alto, llega a ser común en ecosistemas intervenidos, bosques secundarios, orillas de camino, prefiere los climas estacionales. Se conoce desde México hasta el norte de Argentina y Las Antillas, en Costa Rica se distribuye ampliamente en ambas vertientes. Las flores son amarillas, llamativas, aromáticas, se las ha usado para elaborar fragancias. Los frutos son medianos, consumidos por animales y son bien conocidos por sus diversos usos para alimento y de él se extrae un colorante de color azul oscuro, el cual es empleado por grupos aborígenes.

Plant details

Plant Information

Botanic Name:

Genipa americana

Common name(s):

Guaitil, Guaitil, Guaitil blanco, Jagua, Tabacón, Tapaculo




Flowering Months:


Fruiting Months:

January, April, July, August, September, October


IUCN category:

Not evaluated / No evaluado (NE)


Plant Locations


Plant details


English Audio

Audio en Español

Story / Historia

Plant Story

This tree varies in size, growing anywhere from 5 to 35 meters. It is commonly found in altered ecosystems including secondary forests and roadsides, and it prefers seasonal climates. The species is distributed from Mexico to northern Argentina and the Carribean; in Costa Rica it grows commonly throughout  both the Atlantic and Pacific slopes. Its vibrant flowers are yellow and aromatic, and have been used commercially to make fragrances. Its mid-sized fruits are consumed by animals and are well known for their various commercial uses, ranging from a source of food to a component of dark blue dye, used by aboriginal groups.


Historia de la planta

El Genipa americana es un árbol variable en tamaño, creciendo desde 5 a 35 metros de alto, llega a ser común en ecosistemas intervenidos, bosques secundarios, orillas de camino, prefiere los climas estacionales. Se conoce desde México hasta el norte de Argentina y Las Antillas, en Costa Rica se distribuye ampliamente en ambas vertientes. Las flores son amarillas, llamativas, aromáticas, se las ha usado para elaborar fragancias. Los frutos son medianos, consumidos por animales y son bien conocidos por sus diversos usos para alimento y de él se extrae un colorante de color azul oscuro, el cual es empleado por grupos aborígenes.

Plant Information

Botanic Name

Genipa americana

Common name(s)

Guaitil, Guaitil blanco, Jagua, Tabacón, Tapaculo




Flowering Months


Fruiting Monts

January, April, July, August, September, October


IUCN category

Not evaluated / No evaluado (NE)


Interesting Links

Plant Images

Plant Locations

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