Stenostomum turrialbanum

Stenostomum turrialbanum


English Audio

Audio en Español

Plant Story

This species reaches up to 20 meters and is recognized by its trunk, which sheds crater-shaped plates which expose its reddish inner bark. Its flowers are white and fruits are green, similar to coffee beans, seeing as they are members of the same family. It is distributed only in Nicaragua and Costa Rica on both the Atlantic and Pacific slopes, in plains, and along mountains between 10 to 625 meters above sea level.


Historia de la planta

Esta especie alcanza hasta 20 metros de altura y se reconoce por su tronco que exfolia en placas en forma de cráter que deja al descubierto su corteza interna rojiza. Sus flores son blancas y sus frutos son verdes similares a granos de café ya que este árbol pertenece a la misma familia.  Se distribuye solamente en Nicaragua y  Costa Rica, en ambas vertientes en llanuras y serranías entre 10 a 625 metros de elevación.

Plant details

Plant Information

Botanic Name:

Stenostomum turrialbanum

Common name(s):





Flowering Months:

May, Jun, July, August, September

Fruiting Months:

January, November


IUCN category:

Not evaluated / No evaluado (NE)


Not protected / Sin protección

Interesting Links

Plant Locations

Plant details


English Audio

Audio en Español

Story / Historia

Plant Story

This species reaches up to 20 meters and is recognized by its trunk, which sheds crater-shaped plates which expose its reddish inner bark. Its flowers are white and fruits are green, similar to coffee beans, seeing as they are members of the same family. It is distributed only in Nicaragua and Costa Rica on both the Atlantic and Pacific slopes, in plains, and along mountains between 10 to 625 meters above sea level.


Historia de la planta

Esta especie alcanza hasta 20 metros de altura y se reconoce por su tronco que exfolia en placas en forma de cráter que deja al descubierto su corteza interna rojiza. Sus flores son blancas y sus frutos son verdes similares a granos de café ya que este árbol pertenece a la misma familia.  Se distribuye solamente en Nicaragua y  Costa Rica, en ambas vertientes en llanuras y serranías entre 10 a 625 metros de elevación.

Plant Information

Botanic Name

Stenostomum turrialbanum

Common name(s)




Flowering Months

May, Jun, July, August, September

Fruiting Monts

January, November


IUCN category

Not evaluated / No evaluado (NE)


Not protected / Sin protección

Interesting Links

Plant Images

Plant Locations

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