This tree reaches up to 20 meters and grows throughout mature forests, though it is less common than its sister species Heisteria acuminata, whose fruits and flowers are a different shape. This species has small, yellow flowers that are pollinated by insects, and white, binky shaped fruits that boast a red, star-shaped calyx. The species is distributed from southern Nicaragua to Ecuador; in Costa Rica, it grows throughout both the Atlantic and Pacific slopes.
Este árbol llega hasta 20 metros de alto, está presente en bosques maduros y es algo menos común que su especie hermana Heisteria acuminata, con frutos de diferente color y forma. Las flores son pequeñas, amarillentas, atraen insectos, los frutos tienen forma de “chupón”, son de color blanco y tienen el cáliz en forma de estrella, rojo. Se conoce desde el sur de Nicaragua hasta el Ecuador. En Costa Rica ampliamente distribuida en ambas vertientes.
Botanic Name:
Heisteria concinna
Common name(s):
Naranjito, Chupeta, Gorrita, Naranjito
Flowering Months:
April, August, September, November
Fruiting Months:
January, February, March, Jun, July, August, September, October
IUCN category:
Not evaluated / No evaluado (NE)
Not protected / Sin protección
This tree reaches up to 20 meters and grows throughout mature forests, though it is less common than its sister species Heisteria acuminata, whose fruits and flowers are a different shape. This species has small, yellow flowers that are pollinated by insects, and white, binky shaped fruits that boast a red, star-shaped calyx. The species is distributed from southern Nicaragua to Ecuador; in Costa Rica, it grows throughout both the Atlantic and Pacific slopes.
Este árbol llega hasta 20 metros de alto, está presente en bosques maduros y es algo menos común que su especie hermana Heisteria acuminata, con frutos de diferente color y forma. Las flores son pequeñas, amarillentas, atraen insectos, los frutos tienen forma de “chupón”, son de color blanco y tienen el cáliz en forma de estrella, rojo. Se conoce desde el sur de Nicaragua hasta el Ecuador. En Costa Rica ampliamente distribuida en ambas vertientes.
Botanic Name
Heisteria concinna
Common name(s)
Chupeta, Gorrita, Naranjito
Flowering Months
April, August, September, November
Fruiting Monts
January, February, March, Jun, July, August, September, October
IUCN category
Not evaluated / No evaluado (NE)
Not protected / Sin protección
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