Maranthes panamensis

Maranthes panamensis



English Audio

Audio en Español

Plant Story

This tree is called pejibaye because of the aroma of its inner bark, which is reminiscent of the fruit of the pejibaye palm (Bactris gasipaes). The tree reaches up to 35 meters  and grows a grayish bark with a sandy inner layer. Its leaves boast a pair of glands at the base, which facilitates the species’ identification. Its white flowers are likely pollinated insects, and its drupe fruits are consumed by arboreal animals and birds. The species grows in humid primary forests, especially those in mountainous areas, and has been recorded from southern Nicaragua to Panama; in Costa Rica, it grows along the Atlantic slope and in the South Pacific.

Historia de la planta

Este árbol es llamado pejibaye por su peculiar olor de la corteza interna muy similar al del fruto de la palma de pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes), alcanza 35 metros de alto, la corteza es grisácea, arenosa por dentro. Las hojas poseen un par de glándulas muy características en la base. Las flores son blancas, probablemente polinizadas por insectos, los frutos son drupas, consumidas por animales arbóreos y aves. Crece en bosques primarios, preferiblemente de serranías, con bosques húmedos a muy húmedos. Se conoce desde el sur de Nicaragua, hasta Panamá, en Costa Rica en toda la vertiente atlántica y en el pacífico sur.

Plant details

Plant Information

Botanic Name:

Maranthes panamensis

Common name(s):

Pejibaye, Pejibaye




Flowering Months:

January, February, August

Fruiting Months:

May, Jun, July, December


IUCN category:

Not evaluated / No evaluado (NE)


Not protected / Sin protección

Plant Locations


Plant details


English Audio

Audio en Español

Story / Historia

Plant Story

This tree is called pejibaye because of the aroma of its inner bark, which is reminiscent of the fruit of the pejibaye palm (Bactris gasipaes). The tree reaches up to 35 meters  and grows a grayish bark with a sandy inner layer. Its leaves boast a pair of glands at the base, which facilitates the species’ identification. Its white flowers are likely pollinated insects, and its drupe fruits are consumed by arboreal animals and birds. The species grows in humid primary forests, especially those in mountainous areas, and has been recorded from southern Nicaragua to Panama; in Costa Rica, it grows along the Atlantic slope and in the South Pacific.

Historia de la planta

Este árbol es llamado pejibaye por su peculiar olor de la corteza interna muy similar al del fruto de la palma de pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes), alcanza 35 metros de alto, la corteza es grisácea, arenosa por dentro. Las hojas poseen un par de glándulas muy características en la base. Las flores son blancas, probablemente polinizadas por insectos, los frutos son drupas, consumidas por animales arbóreos y aves. Crece en bosques primarios, preferiblemente de serranías, con bosques húmedos a muy húmedos. Se conoce desde el sur de Nicaragua, hasta Panamá, en Costa Rica en toda la vertiente atlántica y en el pacífico sur.

Plant Information

Botanic Name

Maranthes panamensis

Common name(s)





Flowering Months

January, February, August

Fruiting Monts

May, Jun, July, December


IUCN category

Not evaluated / No evaluado (NE)


Not protected / Sin protección

Interesting Links

Plant Images

Plant Locations

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